Discover the freedom and creativity of the Zouk Atoms in the Close Embrace!

Develop more security in your dance with the system of the Zouk Atoms

  • Learn to dance zouk in the Close Embrace

    To step together in the close embrace can be very challenging and we will guide you to become a dancing hug in the socials and enjoy moving together with body contact.

  • Get to know the system of the Zouk Atoms

    Zouk can be very overwhelming with all it's possibilities. Where to start? The system of the Zouk Atoms give you a solid foundation to organize your dance and make easier to remember steps.

  • New material for experienced huggers!

    Even if you are already an experienced hugger you will see zouk in a different way, discovering new possibilities to dance and to combine the different patterns and head movements.


Two courses in one!

If you enjoy learning with a good structure, the Zouk Atoms are made for you. Taking them as a reference you will see how easy is to go through the Close Embrace learning to combine the different elements.

Olga and Fernando were developing the last 5 years their methodology of the Zouk Atoms and now it's the right time to jump in!


Get a week of training for the price of a private!

The Zouk Atoms will open to you a new world of possibilities and the understanding will give you much a new level freedom and creativity on the dance floor. Every cent will be worth it!

Chapters of the course

The course is divided in four main parts that are building step by step upon each other

  • BASIC TECHNIQUE - We will learn how to step in the close embrace, how our body structure works and how we create the contact with the partner.

  • FOOTWORK PATTERNS - We will introduce you in the world of the Zouk Atoms and use the different patterns using a frontal body contact.

  • HIPS AND ROLLING CONTACT - You will experience how much fun is to used the hips and to have a more flexible contact that allows you to roll with your partner.

  • HEAD MOVEMENTS - You will learn to dance ALL the footwork patterns of the course with head movements. You will develop a technique that is far away from memorized choreographies.