The best way to start learning the System of the Zouk Atoms!

The time has come!

The "Zouk Atoms Intensive Week - Level 1" is an special training - the first of four - that we (Olga & Fernando) give twice a year in Bremen to go inside of the methodology of the Zouk Atoms. After teaching it the last three years you can now access to the content comfortably at home.

This course will change how you think and dance Brazilian Zouk. It will help you to understand the inner structure of Zouk and the endless possibilities of the basics -they are much more than lateral, bonus and a couple of turns-.

Listen to Brenda!

Master the footwork and the head movements

The methodology of the Zouk atoms makes you more flexible to improvise on the dance floor and have fun with any partner.
Zouk Atoms intensive week

For Leaders

  • You will stop having stress on the dance floor trying to remember choreographies

  • You will multiply your creativity and freedom... and the follower's fun!

  • You will learn how to combine regular stepping with head movements

For Followers

  • Train to move your body in any direction with the endless possiblities of the Zouk Atoms

  • Be able to dance fluent head movements while you dance in the regular rhythm

  • Learn a technique that helps you to be present and relax in here and now

What you get

  • A very structured course

    90 videos and 6 hours of recorded material leading you step by into the System of the Zouk Atoms for the next 1000 days

  • A good learning curve

    We did already 5 editions of the intensive week in Bremen and optimized every time the exercises to make you learn faster and happier :-)

  • A deeper understanding

    Some people need to understand things to be able to dance them. If this is your case, you cannot continue living without the atoms.

Don't be the last learning the atoms!

The Zouk Atoms community is growing with a lot of lovely dancers around the world and we would love to see more atomic dancer on the social dance floor. Join us!
Olga and Fernando - Creators of the Zouk Atoms Methodology